El personalismo ha presentado novedades importantes sobre la mirada a la persona humana, pero no se le ha dado tanto interés a su dimensión vocacional como a otros elementos. Entendida la vocación como la llamada que recibe todo ser huma-no a existir y a dar sentido a su propia existencia, proponemos este elemento como uno de los funda-mentos de la bioética personalista. Este análisis dela dimensión vocacional de la persona nos permitecomprender mejor la primacía de la responsabilidad,el valor intransferible de la identidad, la atención porel otro y el papel del profesional de la salud comotransmisor de esa llamada.
Personalism has introduced important innovations in the way we view the human person, but its vocational dimension has not received as much attention as other elements. Understanding vocation as the call that every human being receives to exist and to give meaning to his or her own existence, we propose this element as one of the foundations of personalist bioethics. This analysis of the vocational dimension of the person allows us to better understand the primacy of responsibility, the inalienable value of identity, care for others, and the role of the health professional as a transmitter of this call.